Examine What Are Root Canal Headaches extra
Root canal headaches can be extremely painful; so much so that they may deprive you of your sleep. They are mostly caused due to a flawed root canal treatment, or any new infection that sets in after sometime since placing the crown/completing the root canal treatment. Often, in order to stop the pain, you are forced to resort to a regular dose of pain killers for some relief. However, it is best not to consume pain killers for too long and you should seek medical attention quickly.
To further understand how root canal headaches are caused, here is a brief look at the cause and procedure of root canal treatment itself. Root canal - as the term indicates - is a treatment methodology to cure the infection that sets in the canal of a human tooth. The damage can be the result of an untreated cavity, gum disease or trauma to the tooth, but if left untreated, the infection could affect the nerves and kills the dental pulp, and spread to the other parts of the mouth, destroying the jaw bone and leading to other complications, even to a life threatening extend. If you do not do a root canal treatment, there is not other choice left, but to remove the damaged tooth.
The root canal treatment involves removing all the affected pulp, bacteria, puss, and any other decay from the cavities of the damaged tooth and filling the resulting space with neutral, medicated dental materials; so that, after the treatment, the tooth can stand on its own and perform almost all of its normal functions as if it were a live tooth. The entire procedure of root canal treatment may involve 3-4 sittings with an endodontist, and it may cost a few hundred to thousands of dollars, depending upon the complexity of the situation.
If everything goes fine and the root canal treatment nearly perfect, the tooth will cure within a week's time and it will function almost normally as any other tooth. But if the dentist or endodontist, who had performed the cleaning of the canals, failed to cleanout the canals fully or missed a canal by accident, the infection or bacteria within the canals remains, and within few days, it'll again spread to the jaw bone or nearby tooth, resulting in uncontrollable pain. If someone who has recently undergone a root canal treatment feels persisting pain in the operated tooth that increases in intensity with time, it can be a budding root canal headache, and hence must consider consulting a specialist immediately.
The treatment for root canal headache includes antibiotics to kill the inflammation and pain, and a second root canal treatment to cleanout the newly set in infection.
Tail Piece: Root canal headache is more of a common man's slang than a technical term. Medical science often refer it as the headache due to a miscarried out root canal treatment.
HeadachesOverconsumption of drugs for headache relief can result in rebound headaches and worsening migraines. Get more information on natural headache remedy or remedies [http://www.naturalheadacheremedies.com] here on this site at www.naturalheadacheremedies.com [http://www.naturalheadacheremedies.com]
What Are Root Canal Headaches
HeadachesRead Migraine Headaches - The Main Migraine Headache Types more
There are only a couple of basic classifications of headache, primary and secondary. Migraine headaches and tension-type headaches are the two most widespread sort of headache and each of them are in the primary classification. For primary headaches the headache is the primary condition. Conversely, secondary headaches are brought on by underlying primary medical issues such as infections, allergic reactions, medication-induced, or additional health factors. Knowing how to distinguish between headache types will usually lead to a more successful natural treatment option.
Sinus and cluster headaches are a couple of other varieties of primary headache, but they're not as common. Roughly ten percent of the population suffers with migraine headaches, or thirty million People in the U.S. One reason migraine headaches are so common is the fact that you'll find scores of unique causes and types of migraine headaches.
Migraine with aura and migraine without aura are the two most ordinary types of migraine. An aura is something that disturbs a person's vision and precedes the actual headache in about 20% of migraine attacks. These visual factors may be intense flashes of light, increased sensitivity to light, blind spots, hallucinations, zigzagging patterns of light in the visual field, and many other types of sensations. They usually happen anywhere from 10 minutes to 60 minutes prior to the headache, although they may take place earlier.
Many types of migraine headaches are named according to the body location that they involve. These are abdominal, basilar artery, optic (otherwise referred to as ophthalmoplegic), and hemiplegic migraines in addition to others. Sometimes, aura symptoms will appear with no occurrence of a headache.
Abdominal migraine headache types are normally found in young children who also have a family history of the migraine condition. Abdominal pain is the main symptom of these types of migraine headaches. Kids who suffer with abdominal migraines often develop migraines as grownups also.
Ophthalmoplegic migraine starts in one of the eyes. This variety might bring about paralysis of eye musculature, also called ocular motor nerve palsy, and causes the eyelid to droop. In most instances, the drooping eyelid goes away after several days or a few weeks, although they occasionally can become permanent with repeated migraine attacks. This type is fairly infrequent in occurrence.
When the basilar artery in the brainstem is disturbed it might cause basilar artery migraine symptoms. Young adult females are the usual sufferer of this variety which is frequently preceded by disturbances in vision. Basilar artery migraine headaches are ordinarily severe in nature and may last anywhere from several hours to a number of days.
Hemiplegic migraine is very rare, but can turn into a severe and debilitating health disorder. They will often first occur in young children and then vanish as adults. Despite the fact that this type can result in symptoms similar to stroke, it is not going to result in permanent nerve impairment. The symptoms can also vary significantly. One attack can produce a slight headache and terrible paralysis while another can lead to light paralysis and an intense headache.
The cause of this disorder is still unknown, but most migraine headache types will be accompanied by additional signs and symptoms that are analogous among the assorted types of migraine headaches. Some usual signs and symptoms are visual disorders, also referred to as auras, balance problems, muscle weakness, nausea, vomiting, and a number of others.
Being aware of the symptoms and location affected will usually help to establish the different types. However, sometimes they are exceptionally tricky to distinguish between several other sorts of headaches, specifically sinus headaches. Even specialists might have a complicated time diagnosing a headache correctly because of the many similar signs and symptoms among types.
Headaches In ChildrenStopping migraine headaches begins with a proper diagnosis. You first have to ascertain which variety of headache you suffer with. Once you have verified which of the migraine headache types are triggering your symptoms you can then start alleviating the migraine condition using natural and effective home remedies for migraine headaches.
Migraine Headaches - The Main Migraine Headache Types
Headaches In ChildrenExamine Stress Triggered Migraine Remedies additional
Stress is a familiar trigger of migraine headaches, but minimizing stress is easier than treating migraines. Even so, with today's frenzied way of life, avoiding stress is an unattainable dream, in spite of medical authorities' warnings to patients.
Stress triggered migraine headaches can be steered clear of with various natural remedies. Aromatherapy, for instance, is known to straightforwardly affect our perception of stressors; it is becoming a valuable tool for avoiding these headache attacks. Aromatherapy demands little expense and many of the best stress reducing substances are readily available items.
Imagine yourself relaxing in a warm bath of lavender bath salts, burning eucalyptus oil candles, or enjoying a sandalwood scented handkerchief draped over your eyes. Keep in mind, this kind of remedy can help beat stress, but won't eliminate physiological responses to inherently stressful situations.
Consuming caffeinated drinks is another home remedies to know about. Caffeine has been shown to help dilate blood vessels, countering the migraine getting worse. Fruits rich in vitamin C support production of endorphins, these function as natural stress suppressors in the body. Massage can also greatly decrease stress induced muscle tension.
Not every migraine sufferer can depend on having a licensed masseuse on call, but the availability of consumer massage chairs or ergonomic pads placed a regular chair anybody can benefit from the power of a massage. Although a massage offered by a person is better than any gadget's, they're better than nothing.
Don't forget traditional relaxation techniques. Remember, when kids have trouble falling asleep, mothers tell them to try relaxing their body one muscle at a time and it usually works. Adult migraine patients can do the same, relaxing different muscle groups by focusing on relaxing the entire body, one muscle area at a time.
Learn more about avoiding migraines and feverfew for migraines at fountia.com
Stress Triggered Migraine Remedies
Study Suffering From Headaches - Try Self-Massage extra
Common headaches generally consist of pain in or around the head and the face. The pain can be just on one side or can be bilateral. The type of pain can also vary ranging from a gentle ache through to throbbing or a pounding discomfort. The pain can be centered on a particular spot or can be widespread with no obvious focal point.
Headaches can range from slight and mildly annoying through to sever and debilitating. Whilst there are many different reasons why headaches can occur, one of the more typical causes is muscular tension. This muscular tension can be the result of physical injury to a muscle or muscles, tightness in the muscles from a repeated activity in which muscles are contracted for extended periods of time or just plain stress. Trigger points which are the result of muscular tension can be associated with the cause of headaches.
But what are trigger points? "
One definition of a trigger point is that they are "hyper-irritable spots in skeletal muscle that are associated with palpable nodules in bands of muscle fibers". They may also be considered as localised areas of pain that develop in muscles due to overuse or chronic spasms. Trigger points have the property that they create a reproducible and predicable pain pattern when it is activate.
One of the more relevant and surprising muscles in which trigger points can lead to headaches is called the sternocleidomastoid muscle (SCM for short). This muscle is in the front of your neck which is probably why most people don't consider it when they get headaches or neck pain - you normally get pain at the back of the neck, very rarely is there pain in the front. However trigger points in the SCM can cause a tremendous amount of pain and discomfort but it's always referred somewhere else.
Frontal headaches or pressure across the forehead may well be the result of trigger points in the SCM. Also SCM trigger points can send pain to the eye, the sinuses and even make the back teeth sore. Other symptoms include scalp tenderness right at the top of your head, dizziness, visual disturbances and even increased production of mucous.
So where is the SCM and how do you massage it?
The SCM lies on the front and side of the neck, both left and right sides and attaches to the sternum (sterno), the clavicle (cleido) and the mastoid process (mastoid). It splits into two parts from the mastoid process, one going to the clavicle and one to the sternum. When both left and right SCMs contract at the same time then it brings the head forward and down, allowing chin to fall to the chest. When just one of the SCMs contract then it rotates and tilts your head to one side.
The good news about trigger points in the SCM is that they can be easy to address with self-massage. To work out where your SCMs are then look in a mirror and turn your head slightly to the right and tilt your left ear to your left shoulder. The SCM will bulge on the left as the muscle contracts. You should now be able to grasp hold of the muscle between your thumb and forefinger and follow the muscle virtually along its whole length.
Once you have located the muscle then grasp the muscle between thumb and fingers and massage (as with any self-massage be careful and mindful of sensitive areas - within the front of the neck there are nerves and blood vessels which need to be avoided). If you find any sensitive areas then these are likely to be trigger points and may refer pain to other parts of your heads. These tender spots can be massaged by holding for around 5 seconds and then massage in small circles around the sensitive areas. Leave the point alone for a little while and then return to it.
With repeated massaging then the sensitivity and pain levels should decrease. As with any massage then the mantra "no pain no gain" does not apply. Pain that is tolerable is OK but any excessive levels of pain are not appropriate. If pain and symptoms persist then please consult you health care professional. SCM self-massage is easy to do and can be highly effective for reducing headaches. If you massage these muscles regularly over a period of time then the tender points in the muscles should become less and pain associated with SCM trigger point diminish.
Richard Lane is a qualified remedial and sports massage therapist. He offers mobile massage services to Sydney's Inner West www.innerwestmassage.com.au He has also developed a directory for Remedial Massage Clinics in Australia including suburbs such as Sutherland. Click here for more information.
Suffering From Headaches - Try Self-Massage
HeadachesRead Are You Getting Headaches Because of the Weather? more
Are You Getting Headaches Because of the Weather?
HeadachesHeadaches can keep you as a prisoner in the house as they disable you from doing the regular activities. There can be various reasons of headaches. The general three types of headaches are tension headaches, migraine headaches and cluster headaches. The tension headaches are caused buy muscle contraction in face, scalp, jaws and neck.
The migraine attacks give rise to pulsating pain and this is often caused by reasons like excess consumption of carbohydrate and sometimes during the menstrual cycle. The cluster headache is the rarest form of headache and it mostly attacks men.
They feel excruciating pain around their eyes and on one side of their head. There are other reasons as well like eye stress, cold, brain tumor, brain cancer, encephalitis etc. According to some of the studies the weather change has a close relationship with headaches. A study states that almost 51% of the headaches are linked with the weather.
The studies conducted with many patients show that many of them feel that their headache is caused by the weather wherein the reason is different. But this has been proven that there are certain headaches which are related to the weather changes. Very low or very high temperature coupled with humidity can cause severe headaches according to some of the researchers.
As the barometer shows sudden changes, many patients feel headache for two or more consecutive days. Some of them say that the migraine headaches are also related to weather. If you are asking for solid proof that shows that there is a relationship between weather and migraine then there are none as such. But the researches and observations say that a number of patients report to get migraine attacks at particular weather conditions.
This is seriously frustrating because there is no way to change the weather conditions. But still you can take the medication before the weather changes if you are aware of the fact when exactly this is going to happen. The sinus headaches are also somewhat related to the weather conditions.
There are many people who get intense sinus headache with the changes in barometric pressure. Do not get astonished when you get a headache on a rainy day which is just followed by a warm sunny morning. Stormy weather can also be a reason of headaches.
There is no way to change the weather but it is absolutely possible to keep a check on the weather conditions and forecast. You can take precautions to stay away from the headaches caused by weather. If you are prone to catching cold then this is good idea to keep some medicines with you during the rainy seasons. These are simple ways to prevent headache that comes with weather changes.
April Kerr owns website DHE45 which is all about the types of migraines and headaches plus herbs for headaches and migraine remedies.
Examine Child Custody Problems - Three Common Issues That Can Cause Headaches In Child Custody Cases a lot more
Child Custody Problems - Three Common Issues That Can Cause Headaches In Child Custody Cases
Headaches In ChildrenEven if you try to maintain a good relationship with your ex through a child custody case, there may end up being problems. As forewarned is forearmed, here are three of the most common problems that can cause problems during child custody cases.
1. The Parents Trying To Pit The Children Against The Other - This can often be a problem, particularly when the split was of an acrimonious nature, and there is bad blood between the two parties.
This is something that you need to become aware of very quickly. You should not be bad-mouthing your partner in front of your children. It does no-one any good, and does not improve the situation.
If you have nothing good to say about them, then saying nothing at all is probably a better policy.
2. Getting Poor Advice - This can happen both in the legal sense of the word, when your child custody lawyer doesn't perform as you hoped they would. But also when you seek advice from the internet, or a support group, and later discover some key ingredient or fact that would have made a big difference to your case.
If in doubt seek extra sources of advice, and try to keep matters civil with your partner.
3. Child Support - Money issues are always the number one issue, because the plain fact is that we all have to eat, pay our bills etc and it all costs money. On top of normal household expenses comes the costs of childcare, school trips, clothes and more. So it is inevitable that unless money is plentiful (a rare thing indeed). Then you will almost inevitably find yourself arguing with your ex about child support payments and amounts at some stage.
At the Texas Child Custody website I tell you the latest cutting edge Child Custody information that you MUST know, before your ex uses it against you! (And most of this is applicable to ALL States in the United States, NOT just Texas)
>> Click To Get FREE Child Custody Advice RIGHT NOW!
Discover the secret strategies to winning your child custody battle that your ex partners lawyers don't want you to know!
Read Migraine Headaches - 10 Tips to Help With Migraine Pain Naturally a lot more
Migraine Headaches - 10 Tips to Help With Migraine Pain Naturally
Headaches In ChildrenMy Migraine History and How It Benefits You.
I'm Sure Some Of You Have Had Similar Experiences...
Back in the mid-eighties I was employed by a large telecommunications company. I was selling data lines to businesses for their computer communications. I was always on the road going from one location to another. With all this traveling the chance of me getting in an accident got pretty good, actually a little too good. I got into 3 rear end accidents over 2 years. It seemed like everyone wanted to run into the back of my car, and they did.
The onset of the migraines really didn't happen for several months but I had been having unusual symptoms since the first accident. For example; fatigue, constant yawning, intermittent neck pain, muscle tension were all precursors to what was coming next. In all actuality I was already having migraines, they just weren't manifesting in the normal way yet.
Within several weeks I went from having just the symptoms listed above to having a full-blown debilitating migraine everyday! It became very difficult to perform at work or to enjoy life in general. After suffering daily for over a year a family member suggested I go get help. Over the next several weeks I started to see some significant improvement. That's when I had one of those perfect moments of clarity and realized that corporate life wasn't for me and it was time to switch careers. I decided to go into the health care field so I could help others like they had helped me.
Through years of migraine suffering, schooling, practice, and the multitudes of patients, I have gained a keen insight into the understanding of migraine headaches that only the combination of personal and professional experience can give.
Causes And Types Of Migraines
What Is This And Where Did It Come From?
All the known causes of migraine headaches would take entirely too long to list, so for the purpose of this article we will discuss the most prevalent. Just remember that all these causes are just theory and not proven by medical science.
The most common cause of migraine is stress. It is shown that many people develop headaches in times of extreme emotional or physical stress.
Many different foods and dietary factors have been know triggers of headaches. Wine and chocolate, nuts (especially peanuts & almonds), some fermented or processed cheese, caffeine (can also take away a migraine in certain cases), alcohol, MSG (mono sodium glutamate), other cured or processed meat, and food additives in general.
Smoking, with all the toxins in cigarettes it's a no-brainer. Missing a meal (hunger headaches) is just as important as avoiding the above listed foods. Dehydration can cause terrible migraines, so drink plenty of water. Changes in sleep patterns, birth-control pills (estrogen withdrawal headaches), and this is just a partial list of the most common triggers of migraines but there are many other less common causes.
Most Common Types Of Migraines
There are many types of headaches and migraines. From common migraines to vascular (artery/vein) headaches, cluster headaches, sinus headaches, tension headaches, and cervicogenic headaches. It's important to understand that not every headache type that I have listed above is a migraine but they can produce migraine-like pain and intensity.
The most common (debatably between cervicogenic) headache for children and adults is the tension headache. Also know as the "normal daily headache" (I personally dislike this term since no one should ever suffer with a "normal daily headache") tension headaches are caused by contractions in the muscles of the neck and head. About a decade ago one of the big drug companies had an advertisement on TV that said "For that normal everyday headache take 2 (of these) for relief". After several months they were asked to remove the ad from TV, so just remember there is NO such thing as a "normal everyday headache".
Sinus headaches, while technically not migraines can cause excruciating facial and sinus pain across the forehead, cheekbones, and bridge of the nose. They usually are accompanied by other sinus symptoms associated with allergies and colds.
Cervicogenic headaches are very common and not all that different from the tension headache. While tension headaches are mainly muscle in origin the cervicogenic headache is caused by spinal problems. Spinal misalignments (subluxations) restrict the motion of the neck and irritate several nerves (and possibly arteries) that go into the head. Cervicogenic headaches can mimic classic migraines and have the same debilitating results.
The classic migraine affects both men and women but is more common in females (75% females to 25% males). They are typically unilateral (on one side), can pulsate or throb, and have been known to cause nausea, vomiting, photophobia (light sensitive). and phonophobia (sound sensitive). Many people suffering from migraines mention having an "aura" or pre onset symptom before the actual headache takes hold. Auras may take the form of unusual smells that aren't there or visual abnormalities or any sensory experience that warns of the oncoming migraine.
Cluster headaches are the least common and that's good because they are the most severe. They can be as much as 100 times more intense than the common migraine. Affecting men in their thirties or forties 3 to 1 over women they are called cluster headache because they come in small groups during a certain time-frame. A person may have 2-3 a day during this period of time (cluster) and then have them disappear for months or years or forever. They seem to be linked to circadian rhythms (internal biological clock) since they have a tendency to happen at the same times of the year. Mistaken for sinus headaches they can cause eye tearing, congestion, nasal discharge and knife-like pain behind the eye.
Migraine Headache Help
What I Can Do Naturally To Help My Problem
There are quite a few ways to help avoid and deal with migraine headache pain:
1) Avoid the things that can cause migraines. Remember above we talked about "triggers". It's important to eliminate the trigger that can initiate a migraine in you! If you get a headache every time you eat chocolate, well it is a pretty good bet that chocolate is one of your triggers. You get the idea. Sometimes you need to eliminate certain foods from your diet then slowly reintroduce them to see if they elicit a headache.
2) Exercise! Working out is a great way to relieve stress and tension which are both big causes of migraines.
3) If you already have a headache use ice on your neck and a cold compress on your forehead.
4) Avoid bright light at all cost since this will only irritate the migraine.
5) Massage the base of your neck and temples with deep pressure.
6) With tension or cervicogenic headaches many times a hot shower and rest will help reduce the problem.
7) Especially with cervicogenic headaches always make sure you take a good look at the pillow you use; is it old, worn out, to thick, to thin? All of these pillow issues can contribute to a migraines development.
8) Avoid loud noise since this will only intensify the headache.
9) Evaluate your sleeping habits and conditions. Sleeping positions, especially stomach sleeping, can affect the neck and in turn cause headaches.
10) Get evaluated by a chiropractor. Chiropractic can help stop the onset or in some cases relieve a migraine itself.
Dr. Glenn Azzari is a noted chiropractor and speaker in Fountain Hills, Arizona. He has helped 1000's of patients in his career. Dr. Azzari has coached many of his patients on such subjects as nutrition, exercise, stretching, wellness and of course spinal care. He has spoken on health and wellness at many venues across the country.
He found his way to chiropractic as a patient first. Suffering from Migraine Headaches, he sought the care of a chiropractor and found the help and relief he was looking for. This experience compelled him to pursue a different career path in Chiropractic. He graduated Life University's School Of Chiropractic in 1995 and has been practicing ever since.
To get more information about headaches go to http://www.azzarichiropractic.com/headaches.html
You can learn more about Dr Azzari at http://www.azzarichiropractic.com